
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

You Will Never Regret This

Sarah Ann Pedrick Asay (1818-1900)

My Third Great Grandmother

me --> Ruth Rasmussen Buchanan --> Alice Houston Rasmussen --> Eliza Adelaide Asay Houston --> Edwin Asay --> Sarah Ann Pedrick Asay

Sarah Ann Pedrick was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  She grew up wealthy and wanted for nothing as evidenced by this story that she loved to tell often.

Her father was going to take her for a ride in a coach drawn by four horses with attending footmen.

As she descended the marble steps, her gown which had many silken skirts began to rustle.  

This noise scared the horses away and she didn't get to ride in the carriage.

Sarah Ann would get in trouble with her father because he'd come home and find her in the kitchen helping the servants prepare dinner. (I wish I could get in trouble for cooking in my kitchen.)

After Sarah Ann married Joseph Asay they moved to Trenton, New Jersey.  There Joseph met the LDS missionaries and brought them over to teach.  Sarah Ann was expecting so she just listened through the door.

After Joseph and Sarah Ann joined the church, Joseph's father handed him a dollar.  He said, "I'm obliged to give you this, but you will never receive another penny from my estate."

At this point, Joseph sold everything he had and told Sarah that they were going to the Mississippi Valley.  What he failed to mention is that they were actually going to the Salt Lake Valley.  When they arrived at the Mormon Camp, she saw the words "Salt Lake City" printed on the covered  wagons.  She was very upset.

Brigham Young picked her up in her arms,

and said, "You will never regret this."

Years later, when Sarah Ann was 73 years old she said, "I had never sat on any but soft cushioned chairs and since have sat on nail kegs, but I have never regretted coming to Utah."

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