
Monday, February 11, 2013

Ruth vs. The Boy Scout Ranch

I was born in Bozeman, Montana.

The reason why I was born in Bozeman, Montana, is because my father was earning his PhD at Montana State University.

My parents were newly married.  I was born in July of 1969.  When I was born, my parents were living in what was then a brand new apartment complex.

When I was about 7 months old, they then decided to save on rent and move 15 miles out of town.  Their new rent was only $50 a month.  The reason why it was so low was because they watched over a Boy Scout ranch across the street.

For those of you who know my Dad.  This was heaven.  They lived up a canyon and could see deer every day.

A few weeks later, Mom started to feel sick.  The last time she felt this sick, she had me nine months later.  That's right she was expecting again.  Obviously having two babies in less than 18 months while Dad was in graduate school, wasn't part of the plan, but that was what it was.

Mom is now living in basic isolation, with a baby and morning sickness.  Their phone was a party line and rarely free so she couldn't even phone her friends.  Dad was gone long hours as a student.  Whenever Mom needed to drive into town to go to the store or see the doctor, she had to drive the first few miles on a gravel road.

For those of you who have struggled with morning sickness, imagine bumping along a gravel road with nausea.  Mom would have to pull over while driving to throw up.

After three months, Mom cried Uncle and they moved back into Bozeman.

 She ended up having morning sickness all day and night for the entire nine months.  She told me, "I guess I wouldn't have made a very good pioneer."

Well Mom, you lasted 2 months and 29 days longer than I would have!

This post features:


My mother 

me --> Ruth Rasmussen Buchanan

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